
Dehilite Command


dehilite <button> | <shape> | bitmap |
[row <number> of] {<pickList> | <dataSheet>} bitmap | Applies to buttons, shapes, datasheets, picklists


The dehilite command sets the hilite property of a button, shape, dataSheet, or pickList to false. You can also use the dehilite command to set the hilite property of specific pickList or dataSheet rows to false.


Dehilite is synonymous with unhilite.


Create two buttons and name them "b1"and "b2". Set the buttons' autoHilite property to false and their style property to gray. Add the following handler to "b1": on mouseUp hilite me dehilite button "b2" end mouseUp Add the following handler to "b2": on mouseUp hilite me dehilite button "b1" end mouseUp
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.